Windows 10 is the latest version of Microsoft Windows and now Windows 10 November 2019 update is in stock and you can update your Windows 10 to the latest update. afterward, create a virtual machine and for further steps follow this article. it means, if you are using Mac operating system and you want to run Windows 10 OS then you have to Download and install Virtualboxon your PC and download Windows 10 ISO file for a virtual machine. However, you can’t run two operating systems on main hardware at a time without any software, therefore, Virtualization software (Virtualbox and Vmware) allows you to run multiple operating systems at a time. If you are looking to run Windows 10 in MacOS Catalina then you have to install Virtualization software on your MacOS Catalina PC because you are going to install Windows 10 in MacOS Catalina 10.15 then without Virtualbox or Vmware, you can’t install any operating system within another OS.